1 min readMay 17, 2021


Totally agree about the private property. Businesses have liability issues and are in the business to make money, not cater to mob antics. You use their facilities on their terms.

I disagree about the "cop" on two grounds. First, he/she wasn't a cop they were a security person. No right to make an arrest. Limited right to detain. Absolutely no right to put their hands on you in that circumstance. They don't typically have police training.

Secondly, she was separated from her family and walking back to them. Perfectly natural. The girl with the questionable shorts is a minor. It's illegal to question, detain, or attempt to detain a minor once they've identifies themselves as a minor and requested their parents. They knew she was underage and was trying to get back to her parents.

And one more, even if they were otherwise completely in the right, being escorted off the premises or squares away so you meet terms of entry does not and never should include a public shaming or humiliation. Again, especially of a minor.

For fuck's sake, you just don't do that. It shouldn't need to be said. What's next? Stocks and floggings?



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