To answer your end questions, no I don’t think it’s the greatest issue facing today’s kids. I think it’s top 10, maybe top 5. Still, I’d rank it behind a slew of other problems including critical thinking skills, drugs, addiction, rising violence, and depression.
As for what I’d suggest doing about it? That’s a tough one. I doubt there’s an easy answer an certainly not just one. That said, I’d consider:
* Declining those school health evaluations unless I couldn’t afford other. Keep health evaluations between you and your child’s doctor.
* Practice what you preach. Root out your own internal biases. Make a family plan to practice good health.
* For every comment about your kids' body, make sure there are 3 more about something else. Keep self esteem healthy. Negative comments are okay on occasion, but they should never be personal attacks.
* Always focus on exercise and overall health instead of weight.
* You can’t eliminate bullies or bullying. It’s something we all have to learn to deal with on several levels. Please note I said "deal with" here not "learn to live with". There’s a lot of different tactics and strategies here, both internal and external. I used to practice strategies with my daughter. She didn’t get bullies much, not do lack of trying on some kids' part. As she got more confidence dealing with bullies, she looked out for other kids too.
* Kids need to learn to moderate and delay gratification. And to control themselves. That’s no focused on weight issues either, but includes it.
* Your body is an instrument. NOT a package. It is YOURS and YOURS alone.