Thr "male-female" thing is, in huge part, an economic argument. In fact, I'd say it's primarily a religious and economic argument.
You know what bugs me most about your constant beating of the "identity" drum? You blame people for embracing an identity but not those who create it in the first place. Identity is first foisted upon you by those who think less of you because of who you are so they can think more of themselves or those who want to hold you to expectations that may not suit you so they can be more comfortable and better off in the world.
And round and round we go.
And yet embracing that identity IS a psychological balm to that 'othering'.
And how are those identities created and forced, primarily?
They're creates by religion, put into place by force, and then held in place by economics and institutional levers and traps.
You say that this campaign was lost because of identity, but Kamala Harris did not run based on identity. If you paid attention, it was everyone else who kept making an issue out of it, primarily the other side. She never made a big deal about it.
But Trump and Republicans sure did. She's not Black, or not Black enough. She got her job as DA by blow jobs or sleeping her way to thr top, she'll be on her period (at 60) one week out of every month and do we really want someone unstable in charge of the nuclear codes? Not a single one of the classics was missed.
Not a single one. Trust me on this. I know you keep up, but I highly doubt you saw all the ads and all the talking pundits, etc. It's been non stop gross for 6 months.
That wasn't her claiming an identity. It was them foisting one upon her. And that's how identities are created. Those on top of the pyramid, keeping others from leveling that mother fucker.
I hate to break it to you, but you're not going to be able to have Patriarchy and Capitalism and Abrahamic religions and not have Identity. You don't have levels of thr pyramid without some way to determine who belongs on what level. It is a feature of dominance hierarchy, not a bug. A necessary mechanism of thr engine, not a decorative frill on a surrey.
The "male-female" thing is the first divide. The first othering. The first subordination. The first oppression. All the others follow that.
This election was won by one side using identity to other and stoke fear. Because it works.
It was not lost by the claiming of identity or those who embrace their identity to the inevitable self loathing that comes from being othered.