Those women are not feminists then, are they? They may be using the banner of feminism to perform their patriarchal authoritarianism, but they're not living feminism.
This is like "Christians" who raise hell all week every week and think that they're a shoe in for heaven so long as their butt is parked in a church pew on Sunday morning and they're praising the Blood and crying about forgiveness.
It's a shame that it's that way. I wish I could tell you that everyone who claims to be a feminist is living and working the philosophy, vut that would be disingenuous.
And there is a parallel here. Like Jesus said, "take up your cross and follow me" true feminism requires a lot of work from us and you carry it with you into every aspect of your life. It's heavy and awkward at times, but you do it because you need it to get to where you want to be. That's not a world without men or a world where men are disposable.
It's a world where all human life and work is considered valuable and so is valued. All people are measured and given opportunities according to their abilities and inclinations not by what someone else says they should be like or who they should be or how they have to contribute.