This was fun. Urchling is kinda like your friend, but not about weight. Whatever you want to take, she will Tetris the shit out of it so it all fits in the bag. Or the refrigerator. Or the drawer. Whatever. It's uncanny. As long as the items themselves are not physically bigger than the bag (she's not going to get an elephant in a suitcase, for example) whatever you want to take will be in the bag.
Jupiter is strangely skilled at making friends with cats. Feral cats don't seem to fear her like they do most dogs.
I'm not sure how to classify mine. I seem to be very good at retaining random factoids and making appropriate inferences from them to figure things out. I'm almost always right. Other people don't seem to be able to do this. Kind of attached to that, I'm good at pattern recognition but that's not that exciting. Lots of people are good at that.