4 min readJun 11, 2023


This isn't hostility. This is a challenge to your thinking. You seem to be operating from a place of priviledge that blinds you to some things.

I'm challenging those notions and calling you to look at the broader landscape.

All men think direct women are hostile. I can't do anything about that. ::shrugs::

You seem to be under the impression that only men are lonely and only men get ridiculed for their loneliness. A few months ago a vid made my TikTok feed of a woman sitting in her car outside a pharmacy and sobbing because she thought she'd have someone to take care of her. She's seriously sick, just found out. Her vid went viral amongst the manosphere and they were absolutely brutal. That's how it wound up in my feed; a feminist I follow was doing a vid response to the commentary of that video.

And then the deluge came. You know the algoeithms are. Suddenly there's all this content in my feed from lonely women. And the men responding are mocking and harassing them. No compassion or empathy from men.

In general, if you put it that kind of pain out there in the internet you are exposing yourself to the world's decision and scorn. This is a lesson most women learned a very long time ago. Jane Austen wrote about it, that's how entrenched this lesson has been for women. That's why they always talk about how brave it is to put yourself and your vulnerabilities out there. Because it is. People haven't changed. The internet just laid it all bare for EVERYONE to see.

Conversely, with the economic disenfranchisement of women, men have had a ready source of compassion, empathy and support whether they invested reciprocally or not. Often, they did not.

Now that there is no impetus driving women to men other than wanting them in partnership, men don't have that automatic go to anymore unless the prioritize building relationships, especially nonromantic ones.

Most of the time, women get their compassion and empathy from outside romantic relationships, even today. We certainly do not get any from men in general. At best, it's a grudging acknowledgement that certain aspects of being a woman are unfair and suck. Very grudging, after some teeth pulling.

So then, are you saying it's sad for men because women in general are just supposed to do this? Be at your beck and call our whole lives? Drop whatever we're doing to give you space because you never bothered to build meaningful sustained relationships with anyone? Why? Why would we do this? Because we're women and it's out job as women?

That's problematic. It ignores a lot of things too. I wrote an article recently about rejection Titled Lack of Interest and Curiosity. You should read it. What it do want mention is that while we were at the vet that day, I had a great conversation with another guy for over 30 minutes. We talked about motorcycles, dogs, Rez Metal and Punk bands, Supreme Court shenanigans, turquoise hunting, and Arizona silver mines. It was great.

If this guy was lonely, I would absolutely feel for him. Why? Because he's looking to make a genuine connection and saw and treated me like a person, not a balm or doll to soothe his pain..

The guy in the article? It so much. I can agree it's sad he's lonely and that loneliness sucks. In general. But I'm not wasting time on this guy. It's not my job to fix him. He's already showed he has zero interest in me other than what he can get from me. He's lonely because he doesn't value relationships. Any relationships. That's fixable, but he has to do the work. My life is too short and precious to spend carrying someone else's water, and I have other peiple in my life who need and depend on me to waste time and energy on dead end broken men.

The disconnect I'm getting from you is a failure to recognize that most of the "decent but lonely guy" interactions are not the vet office guy, they're the transit center guy.

You're asking women to have compassion and empathy, "in general", for men who never reciprocate it and have made it clear that they don't give a rat's ass about us except for what they can get from us or what they believe is "their due".

So are they collateral damage?

I'm not arguing that they're not wounded men. They are. But are they collateral damage or accidental casualties when on some level they have engaged willingly and by their choice in a campaign (to continue the military lingo) of neglect and aggression?

Collateral damage seems a mislabel to me.

Ignore Jaxson. I can't even tell you what radfem is and I have never made the claim that women are angels. Fact is, were as much a mess as you gents are in a lot of ways but more of us are doing the work to be and get better. And we're not asking men to hold our hands, just get the fuck out of the way. 🤣😉

There are some really smsrt and intelligent men doing some good and important work with men and wounded masculinity. Men holding space for, with love, compassion, and support, for other men. Men helping men.

Let me know if you want some of that info.



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