This isn't a new theory, you're not breaking news ground at all. But like I said, the attitude was already there because of these faith traditions. Confuscious was a misogynist.
Women still had labor value during our pastoral years though, because basically whole families, including children, were out to work on the family farm from a very young age. Survival required it.
What I dusteialization did was devalue women's work. Why spend 2 months making Pa a new shirt when you can buy one at the general store for a dime. Even today, biggest reason things like cooking and sewing have gone by the wayside, is that they're simply not cost effective anymore. You pretty much have to have money to spare to sew your own clothes. Quilting is a hobby for the affluent, as are most of yhe needle arts and crafts.
Same thing with basic carpentry, etc. If you're not doing it on an industrial scale, it's a hobby for people with more disposable income tham most. Used to be, anybody with a box of tools could build a basic house.
Most young men today can't even change a tire.
We became serfs to corporations and now we can't survive without what they provide, and make no mistake. It's slave labor somewhere because it started that way, because of attitudes toward women.
All the other 'otherings' that make one human better than it superior to another and hence more deserving or this, that, or the other are built up on men defining themselves as being NOTwomen, and therefore better than.
It all syems from that. Because without that, you don't have a dominance hierarchy.