This is misrepresentative and could be worded much better. Unitarians very much believe in the teachings of Jesus.
What they don't believe in is the Trinity doctrine. They don't believe in Jesus as a deity. Until they combined with Universalists, Unitarians were definitely considered Christiam because they believed in following the teachings of Jesus. I don't know if they still are because that incorporation with Universalism opened up spirituality to everyone. Luciferians and Satanists have been known to lead the opening remarks, traditions, or ritual in Unitarian/Universalist services.
Super cool. Lot of good spiritual thought behind Luciferians beliefs and practices.
Several Unitarian churches have put their services/sermons on the internet. The one in Raleigh NC had some good sermons on Jacob several years ago. No idea if they're still accessible. I do know Unitarian services are one of the last (Protestant type) places to get spiritual thought that has not been directed or influenced by the evangical controlled Christian press.
That means it's one of the last places that's still producing original, non"canned" religion and religious thought.