This is fallout from the Karen trope IMHO. It will get worse.
The rage level has reached the point of inability to be reasonable and words are taken out of context.
I might disagree with the author of the original post on religious grounds or experiential grounds and be completely valid. I might say that I want the chaos to end.
It will invariably be received as supporting racism and return to privilege.
Doesn’t matter if I think not forgiving is a way of continuing engagement. That us not an effective long term stratefyy. Forgiveness is necessary for several reasons, one is so you can move on rather than continuing the cycle and further entrenching hate, drama, and discord. Doesn’t mean you forget or dress these people up as something they’re not and won’t ever be. It means as long as you continue fighting them, you’re failing to do the work to establish the America most of us want.
I don’t want to forgive. There’s so much hurt and it’s hard. So hard. I’m willing to suck it up and do the work because I don’t want to return to normal. I want a new normal where we all live the American dream at long last. I want a safe, civil, modern society for my child and for your children. I want them to have a future.
I want our posterity to look back on us in this moment and be proud of what they see and the work we’re doing. I want them to have reason to be grateful for the stage we set for them. All of them.