1 min readJun 16, 2022


Theyre still around. I've got several in my family and have known several.

They tend to come from one of two backgrounds. They're ex military and we're in combat but not so much that they have PTSD, or they come from single moms who had good familial support and they got the kind of free rein and encouragement for them to have tackled and succeeded at something really hard that took a long time and requires building skills (and a lot of failure) OR volunteer work was a major part of their upbringing.

Girls seem to pick up skills that are confidence builders better than boys do. Maybe they just think about it differently. Girls' lack of confidence comes from the erosion if body image around puberty, the public scrutiny of our bodies. Up until then, girls seem to be very confident, bold and brash even.

Boys need to be doing something that settles their minds and teaches them to be of some use or shoes them their place in the world. You don't get that from playing video games or most sports. I'm not knocking those things, there's nothing wrong with doing them and you do get some good from them. But you don't get what you get for volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and building a house for example. Or hiking the breadth of the Appalachian trail with a buddy one summer. Or building a flood break in an emergency. That kind of thing.



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