They want white sure, but not necessarily Aryan (blue eyes, blond hair). I'm guessing freckles are optional too. Actually, freckles could go either way. They could be a sign of the Devil after all. They we're before, so there's historical precedent. God help you if you have a mole.
They're also already fearful of science and technology. Flat Earthers and anti-vaxxers are usually part of this group.
And yes, they absolutely want the church in charge of public life. Women in their place, having tons of babies for Jesus, and homosexuals either reconditioned back to "righteousness" or eliminated before their perverted sin spreads to innocent children. Because homosexuality spreads like Covid if you let it.
Things were so much better back in the good 'ole days back when torture used to be a community event. Death and Despair were everyone's best friends. It's easy to see why they'd want to go back.