They probably feel reactive somewhat. People get triggered by certain grievances spawned from either covetous desires or feeling straightjacketed. Gender tropes and gender essentialist bullshit tends to create those foibles deep within the psyche of many people.
But that's not real hate. That's misdirected resistance to being controled by social scripts and expectations.
I see the hate men feel toward women as a conditioning of how to be a man. And that's kinda the same thing, I'll admit, but specifically it's in what it takes to be considered a worthy man. Having to somehow justify your existence. Be a man by not aligning with anything associated with the feminine or the female.
It's all bullshit. Yet men spend inordinate amounts of time wrassling within themselves over just these things. All because of society and social scripts, gender tropes and expectations.
And it's all bullshit.