They have agency. They refuse accountability.
It's the perpetuation of man's original sin.
These fundamentalists are always quick to talk about Eve and the fall while conveniently glancing over Adam.
Let's review.
God: "You had the whole garden Adam. Why did you eat the fruit? Why did you do the ONE thing I asked you not to do?"
Adam: "The woman made me do it "
God: "Uh huh. Sure. Get out, Slacker."
Millenia later and they still haven't learned.
Men: "Were having.a hard time. It seems like life is unkind to us and we don't know why."
NYTimes OP-ED written by a man: " It's womens' fault. I've got half baked research and spurious nonsense to prove it."
Other men: "well yeah, that makes sense. It can't be our fault. That would mean we might possibly be lacking in some way. We might need some personal growth or [gasp] help [panicked pause] of some kind.