They expected that all the hardship would fsll.on those "other" women, who don't play by the rules and lead their dear, hardworking husbands astray because, who honestly just can't help themselves because they're only men after all. Men have needs that have to be managed for them. "Everyone" knows this. Trusting men to manage themselves is both ridiculous and courting disaster.
And it's all those 'other' women's fault. Thinking men could be equal to women.
That's what these women thought. They're authoritarians. Like Phyllis Schlayfly. Did you really really listen to what she had to say and think about where it leads? What assumptions have to be in place in order for her world view to be true?
These conservative women are dangerous to health and life. They will.sell.everyone down the river just so they can sit up and play pretty princess off someone else's labor. Make no mistake. They don't love men. They use them, with a smile on their face.