* there's nothing you can do to keep her from expering predation. Quite likely, she already has. What you could have done is prepare her for the realities and to mitigate it or survive it, depending upon the severity of and type of the predation. Rape culture causes a lot more fallout than rapes.
*You and Anthony might want to consider putting an end to telling women what they want.
*I disagree with both your hypothesis and your conclusion. A man who hates himself the most will be the ones to abuse. Conversely, the man who thinks himself king will also be more likely to abuse. It's a bimodal dispersement pattern. One from rage and self loathing, one from entitlement and hubris.
*I didn't say men's feelings weren't important. I said they're not.more important than wimens lives or well being. To add to that, they're not so important that they should ever be used as a justification for oppression or oppressive behavior. Yet men's feelings ALWAYS take primacy in the minds and discourse of many many men.
*Glad you're doing the work, but why now? Why did it take women leaving men en masse for you to engage? It's not like any of this is new. Like I told Anthony, I wish you luck.
* Go back and read that thread between me and Anthony so I don't have to repeat myself. The bit about how it won't end violence against women.
*That's okay. I don't agree with your approach either. Still, I wish you both luck and success with it. I've already tried your approach. It's too pandering to work, but maybe the dynamics will work differently for you, as a man. Again I sincerely wish you luck.
*Got to admit, your response here was mostly disheartening. Not surprising though.