There's an assumption of having it easier and thats more or less accurate. But easy does not automatically equate to enjoyable, that's a linguistic conflation.
Dishwashers make life easier, but most people still don't enjoy doing the dishes.
THerr is much about the mantle of manhood that would be an unpleasant burden to bear. That doesn't mean it doesn't advantage you or give you privilege.
A lot of people find extreme workouts unpleasant. There's always diminishing returns after a certain point, it's a time sink, it's a grind, you have to maintain a rigidity to your life to maintain your gains, higher risk of injury, lot of people find that much sweat unpleasant, gym culture is toxic, and so forth and so on.
And yet....there are definite benefits to being fit in health, longevity, ability to recover after injury, higher survivability in disaster or catastrophe, etc. And also, there is no doubt that male or female, you get "pretty privilege" to go along with that body. You make higher wages. You have more opportunities across all walks of life. You are inherently trusted more and have higher social status.
And thrn you also get demonized because you have been set apart and elevated above others based on a metric that not everyone can make. That privilege inspires envy and resentment.
Welcome to human nature. This is who we are.