There’s a very real chance this is a coordinated attack. As you’ve discovered, getting any platform to respond is not likely to yield results.
Sadly, laws haven’t really caught up with social media yet. Your best bet may be a civil defamation suit against this Chrissy, who is also likely this Stacey.
Problem is, to be effective you have to act quickly, which means being a social media forensic expert and strategist already or having access to one. Weaponized social media is a new frontier. Welcome to the arms race.
This is why I hate social media with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. It’s just not worth it to me.
In the meantime, your best chance to find out who’s behind it is to assume it’s personal, a far right hate group (misogyny), or there’s some financial reward attached for them and you’ve simply attained enough exposure to make you a target. Or a trial run for a bigger target. This would be a con, not to get money from you, but to get paid by clicks, etc. Using hate propaganda to direct clicks to a paid platform of some kind or towards advertising.
People are stupid. We need to get smarter about this.