There's a lot of whinging about how young men have no role models any more but that's bullshit.
What they've lost is a readily visible variety of role models that are cookie cutter DoucheBros or sports figures.
And men are inherently lazy and uncreative about such things. It's not something they've ever had to build for themselves, like women have so they're floundering now that they're getting their doses of marketing propaganda surrounding masculinity and manhood.
Basically, young men are suffering from their version of The Beauty Myth as described by Naomi Wolf and suffering all the psycological effects of it, the same as women have endured. Except, where women tend to self harm, men tend to 'blame of glory'.
But at it's's the same shit. Men are starting to experience objectification, man version, and they're falling apart at the seams because of it.
Their only way out will be to look for role models beyond what is hyped to them. Find them, create them, hodge podge them from literature. Whatever.
The trouble is, you have to be somewhat immune to the propaganda first through some self awareness to steel yourself against it and that's a hard ask for the young. They're going to want what is popular. But today what is popular is created by the investor class looking to make money by selling you things you don't need. So they will objectify you to make you think you need it.
It's a Catch-22.