There was nothing wrong with your post. It was humorous in all the right ways. I wasn't criticizing it, I was just further defining why feminists don't obsess about it in the way anti-feminists do. IMHO.
It's also not like we don't notice attractiveness and deal with feelings of inadequacy. That's pretty much a constantly running internal battle.for all of us, I think. It's a shame anti-feminist and other certain types seem so hell bent on constantly throwing fuel on that. But then, it makes money. Lots and lots of money in making people feel unworthy and like shit.
You didn't put anybody down in your post. And you didn't draw undue sexual attention to the guy on the TikTok you used. It was respectful, not lecherous or wolfish.
All in all a good post. It also categorically proves that it is not that hard to appreciate attractiveness and beauty without being a scumbag about it. And look it, you're a dude who seems to have no problem being mindful about impact and controlling himself. Fancy that.