There s a lot more weirdness around the attempt than the photo looking "too perfect" or staged.
Crooks was a registered Republican. The behavior of the Secret Service was atypical. The fact that Crooks got into the rally with a sniper rifle is odd as much ado was made earlier about how the 2nd Amendment over life party decided restrict firearms at their rallies on account of how somebody might get up in their feels and start shooting. Law suits. Political suicide. Fallout and consequences are the burden of liberals. Rules for thee, but not for us sorts of bullshit. But the guy made it through security with a sniper rifle.
Security did not secure potential sniper nests or lines of sight. That's weird. That's their job. Best way to prevent assassination is to limit access and opportunity to assassinate, wouldn't you agree? This guy had way too easy access.
Secret Service broke protocol. That's weird.
Now. Is it possible that all of these things were a series of unrelated fuck ups?
Is that a given?
When you see smoke, you look for fire. There's no guarantee that smoke equals fire. But you know there's a correlation enough to warrant a good thorough review. You need to confirm what's what about that smoke.
You know that. We all know that.
As far as all the talk goes. Mixed feelings. That's always a mixed bag too. 11¹