There is no effect on whether or not they’ll be homosexual. Children don’t naturally fear anything unless they are taught to or have a bad experience with something.
Any behavioral effect is caused by homophobic adults teaching fear and hate. They are parroting the adults in their lives. It does not cause them to be gay.
Children do not even fully understand sex. Even if they are taught what it is and what happens, they have no experiential understanding. For example, a child knows that sex is something two adults do. They know a man puts his penis in a woman’s vagina. Having sex makes babies. Sometimes men love other men like that and sometimes women love other women.
Then ask them how two men can (mechanically) have sex together and you’re going to get a wide variety of answers like
- I don’t know
- They just do
- The rub their penises together
- They kiss and sleep together but can’t do the other stuff
- One of the men has to get a vagina from Amazon
- A doctor makes one like a girl down there
- There’s a third party like a fairy or an angel involved that helps them
This is the sort of stuff they’ll come up with until they further learn about oral sex and anal sex. Even then, unless it’s specifically brought up in terms of homosexuality, that knowledge won’t automatically click in place for a connection to be made for a while.
Children don’t typically like talking about it at all. To them, sex is just gross. Any kind of sex. They don’t get how adults can just set aside that whole cootie problem.
The only effect is they learn it’s not the end of the world that homosexuals exist. They learn that if they are one, they don’t have to hide or fear for their lives. They learn that if they want to stay with a church that holds homophobic religious beliefs, they’ll have to hide or choose a celibate life else they’ll have to find a home with another religion that is not homophobic.
Those that make that choice usually become more spiritual as their faith isn’t predicated on irrational fear or hate, but on love and acceptance of everyone. Those kids grow up to do a lot of good in the world. They come to have a living faith, not a “good for Sundays” one. They’re usually better off in the end. They build new families to replace the one that ostracized them and cast them out.
Jesus follows them because He championed the outcasts and exiles. Many references in the Bible the word ‘persecuted’ can be substituted with 'outcast' or 'exile’. So, you’re persecuting the very people and forcing them into exile that Jesus would extend a hand to for being exiled. And you’re using Old Testament scripture to do it. Which means you’re choosing that over the fulfillment of God’s law, the teachings of Jesus Christ.
True Christians know they have but one law. “Do unto others …”
In conclusion, the ultimate spiritual effect of seeing homosexuality portrayed as one of many natural human expressions of sexual love is that you grow up being unafraid of being radical like Jesus. You live in the wholeness of his teachings and the grace they provide rather than a spiritual desert. You become part of the body of Christ, His true church. You evolve to a higher spiritual state of being, more in tune with God, away from the lesser evolved, animalistic and savage impulses that lead to the destruction of your fellow man.