There can be no respectful dialogue with someone who believes you have no right to live just to bring an unviable fetus to term, supposedly for a God you don't even believe in. When corpses have more rights than you do, there is not respectful dialogue.
You cant have any kind of respect without a foundation of first respecting someone's basic personhood.
All your reasons here are equivocations. Justifications for controlling women. They won't work. You won't be saving babies. You just won't know about their deaths anymore.
Prepare yourselves for more horror stories of unwanted, unadoptable babies being pitched into furnaces at overcrowded maternity homes. Do you think those babies are better off having not been aborted as a clump of cells? They wouldn't feel their potential life ending then. I bet they feel that fire though.
And let's not forget who it was pitching those living babies in fires last time ariumd.