There are lots of things we can do. I’m glad you asked.
Stop putting money into things that harm us by feeding into misogyny. We do a lot of voting with our dollars. We should be more mindful about that.
Teach our daughters from a very young age differently than we were taught. Don’t groom them to be submissive and focused on male pleasure in the first place. Don’t be a damned martyr. Motherhood is a phase of life, it’s not a damn alter to sacrifice yourself on to be worthy of God/heaven/men/whatever Stop it.
Don’t teach or condone body shame. Best way to accomplish this is to be comfortable in your own skin and show it. Let them see your adult body.
Do produce our own content of various forms that doesn’t normalize things like male advancement or heroism at the expense of female pain. Write/create better male characters too, who aren’t sex obsessed.
Hold toxic religions accountable. Refuse purity culture and prosperity gospel. Withhold tithes and offerings from churches that preach that nonsense. Write letters of complaint at the diocese level against preachers who peddle these harmful and false doctrines. Leave the church if you must.
Emphasize financial literacy for young women. Start a security fund that is held separate and hidden so your daughter never had to stay in an abusive relationship. That fund can be purposes for a rape kit or a PI if need be too.
Emphasize real self defense training. All aspects.
Spend some time really going over rape and harassment law. And all laws tangential, like your right to access public security footage. Know what kind of evidence you need to collect and how to go about it regarding different types of assault. Consider pros and cons of pursuing civil suits vs criminal suits. Brainstorm other ways to hold men accountable. Do it before it becomes a problem because sooner or later, we all face sexual harassment or assault to one degree or another. Expect it and be ready for it. Know what to do and how to deal with recalcitrant cops, doctors, trauma counselors, judges, lawyers, and family members beforehand.
Teach your daughters to not trust men by default rather than the other way around. Given the state of things, it’s time for them to start earning trust instead of expecting it blindly. #FuckTheirFeelings. Don’t ever invalidate your daughters experience when she tells you something happened. Help her process and don’t throw her under the bus.
Normalize self pleasure for young women. Young women who are comfortable pleasuring themselves will be less likely to turn to hook up culture out of desperation to deal with their hormones, which are just as elevates as a young man’s. Due to the orgasm gap, they’d be better off anyway. Buy them sex toys at 16 instead of a debutante ball who’s sole purpose is to announce to men that they are now ripe for plucking.
Stop being a model of sacrifice. Let them see you pursue things you care about. While you don’t ignore them or neglect them, you don’t live your life for them either. If you want them to be more than a brood mare and a domestic drudge, then you first.
Every birthday you get them a tool and a toy. The tool can be any kind of tool, not just like a hammer or a screwdriver (though not excluding those), but any kind of tool used in a trade. Like, sewing kits, leather working tools, metal working tools, etc.
In that vein, take your daughter to workshops to learn home repair, engine maintenance, etc. Set them up to be life long learners and teach them that they can take care of things like that without the need of men. Again, you first. Even if you’re 50, you can learn to change a tire. Be willing to get your hands dirty.
Turn the TV off. Boycott Disney and the like from your home. Don’t let your male partner make your daughter weak to appease his ego by making her Daddy’s little princess.
Encourage athleticism. Don’t just take your kids to the bounce house; get out there and bounce with them. Ride bikes. Skate. Go on nature walks. Play ball. Whatever. Stay active and stay active with them. Don’t let Dad be the only one who plays with them while you’re stuck with all the shit work of raising a family.
Make sure from day one your partner, assuming you have one, does his fair share. Even if you’re breastfeeding. Things become habit, so don’t buy into the "infants need their mothers" trope. Reject it. Harshly if need be or you’ll still be the one doing all the childcare when they’re in college too. Share the burden from day 1. Make sure you get enough rest.
I could go on. That’s good for starters though. I’ll let others add.