There already ARE laws against catcalling. It's a Class 1 misdemeanor of harassment.
Here's the statute that applies where I live.
Your concerns over the law being abused are a bit ridiculous. It's not like anyone goes to jail for catcalling. Burden of proof is on the victim of the harassment. Not many have the money or the means to identify and sue some schmo on the street who's harassing them. If they do, it's going to be a fine or a civil suit that will most likely be settled out of court.
If such a fine or award will bankrupt you, then you can't afford the consequences of your actions and you should have chosen not to do them. That's a you being stupid problem, not a problem with the law being unfair or abused.
There's a reason why there aren't more harassment suits already. The law is on the books, but it's not being enforced in any meaningful way.