Then you missed the point. Abortion has not been illegal, hence it has not been a crime.
The point is that we don’t punish all men for what a few men do. We don’t punish men who kill in self defence for example because some men kill for money. We don’t require men to die at the hands of another who could otherwise protect themselves because a small group find "killing" in all circumstances to be morally repugnant.
There’s your accurate analogy.
Abortions will always existed legal or not, because they are an unfortunate but necessary part of life.
The creation of life is not some angelic, pristine, sparkly endeavor. It’s messy and it’s bloody and it’s dangerous. Things go wrong. Often. Until you can respect that fact of life reality, SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP.
It will never be you creating and birthing that life so you have no say. Your time and place to have a say was when you elected not to wear a condom. You don’t get a do over using someone else’s bodily autonomy.