Then we get into issues of free speech. Either everyone has the right to free speech or you don’t live in a free society. Full stop.
I don’t completely agree with what radical feminists are saying either but I support their right to say it. I cannot criticize them for it because I understand it and where it’s coming from.
If men don’t want to be perceived as an enemy of women then THEY need to stop acting like they are. They need to stop demeaning women and the feminine to elevate feelings of being a man.
It’s not gone unnoticed that all the guys yammering and railing against radical feminism or feminism in general have not and will never say boo against all the online misogyny drowning the internet. That shits been there as long as the internet has existed.
Then it’s "maybe I don’t agree, but free speech is more important", "that’s regrettable but what am I supposed to do? I never hurt a woman", "#NotAllMen", "you may have a point but you should be nicer about how you talk about it", "even if that were a rare case, you shouldn’t talk about it publicly, it makes men feel worthless", "women are just as bad if not worse", "boys will be boys", and on and on and on.
Always some excuse, some equivocation, some "reason" why men get a pass on spreading bigotry and attacking women online.
The "moderate" man expects women to always take the high road. To clean up the mess or keep it unseen so he won’t be disturbed. To not unsettle his feelings or ruffle his feathers. To be a good sport about male aggression and intrusion. Bless their hearts.
The "moderate" man wants women to care about and center the trouble young men are in and lead the way in correcting coarse so the poor men won’t experience so much hatred. All while turning a blind eye to the pain and suffering women swim in daily due to misogyny.
And you know what? That’s okay. Everyone is responsible for their own choices in life.
So make your choice. But if men can’t bother to care how misogyny hurts women, don’t be surprised when women won’t bother to care about your suicide rates.
There’s no halvsies here. We either fix it for all of us or we fix it for none of us. If men continue to burn women, by God, you’re going to burn with us. So go ahead and cut off your noses. Let’s all see how it spites your face.
It’s well past time for you gentlemen to start carrying your own water. Nobody owes you what you’re unwilling to give in return.
If you don’t like how your choice is working out then I suggest you make a better one because the men who do, don’t have a problem finding partners and love. They’re not suicidal. And they don’t resemble Andrew Tate in any way.