Then it sounds like your problem is mostly where you’re looking for dates. My grandma gave decent dating advice via folk wisdom. She said, "if you want to bag a good buck then don’t go hunting at the bottom of a lake. Nothing there but catfish."
She LOVED hunting analogies. It drove me nuts as a teenager. Lol. She said that long before catfishing was a thing too, so you have to appreciate the irony.
Anyways, most of the "women" on dating apps are actually bots designed to lure and keep men using the app to make money off their loneliness and desperation. The women who are actual living women are there for casual sex hookups (you can keep it on the down low if it’s someone outside your circle) to try some new kink or something they don’t want getting around (men are the worst gossips ever, especially about sex) or to make money off men. Gold diggers in other words. To these women, men are disposable. Some of them have come to that line of thinking in a reactionary manner due to being treated that way by men. I don’t like speaking ill of my own kind, but there it is. Smaller numbers of them are looking to regain dating skills after having been in a long term relationship. They don’t have any nefarious intent, but they’re not looking to partner up. They’re browsing, not serious shopping. Most of them lament about how all men’s profiles look and sound the same.
I was on a dating app for about 3 weeks before the slew of dick pics and lame come ons drove me away. I concur. Profiles were pretty weak. And, redundancy they name is man. Just saying.
I sympathize there because I had a devil of a time creating mine too. Felt like putting myself up for some weird ass auction and being on display, exposed to the capriciousness of the world. I didn’t like it, not one bit. Also, those 50 or so dick pics in 3 weeks. Who does that? Seriously! What the hell, gentlemen? One of the best parts of dating is looking forward to unwrapping your secret toy surprise and so many of y’all just wanna flop it out on a counter like it’s some low grade sausage refuse. Zero self respect AND you ruined the surprise of discovery. (I’m still miffed over that).
Despite all the commercials that claim otherwise, I have not met one couple who made a successful go of it by meeting on a dating app. Not one. They’ve been around for a while. Have you? Anyone you know?
I’m going to conclude that you are hunting at the bottom of a lake, my friend. Gotta go where the game is or be satisfied with all those catfish.
Enough on that. Yeah, part of the meltdown with American men is that they have turned into slobs. Absolute scrubs in behavior and presentation. Or, they go the other extreme to the point of being a useless dandy. You can’t do anything with them. All they want to do is sit up and play games. And they’re prudes ... maybe one hit wonders is the better descriptor. Where are all the normal guys? I’m pretty much done, or at least taking an extended break from dating. Seems like everyone has dating woes, lol. *sigh* It’s actually been better, not dating. I’m happier. Having more fun. More energy. I didn’t realize how draining dating disappointments were until I stopped to catch my breath, or how much I detest dating. Too bad men and women can’t just meet and hang out without all the pressure and drama, you know?
Haha. If I took you frog gigging, you would love it if you’re an outdoors guy at all. No frogs would be harmed. I’m a conservationist. Nobody goes frog gigging like in Mark Twain’s day anymore. There aren’t that many frogs and they’re too small. It’s like possum hunting. We call it that nostalgically. Who doesn’t love going possum hunting?
Beard beads, huh? You must have a long one. Most women seem to prefer shaved faces. I’m not sure why, I kinda like long hair and facial hair on men myself. Apparently, I’m weird though.
Anyways, it’s easy to get discouraged. None of us are guaranteed a partner in life, yet we are told from childhood that there is someone for everyone. We got lied to.
So what’s the deal in Britain? How come British men are so lacking in confidence? Is it because of living under an aristocracy? And what about British women? Is it the same for them? Do they lack confidence?