The point is that treating sex as bei g on the same level of need as food, water, and air, is part of why certain someones are always so torqued up about it.
I 'need' new shoes. But. I'm not going to die if I have don't get new shoes. No doubt shoes make my life better and more comfortable. But people lived without shoes for hundreds of thousands of years. It's not a requirement for life like air, food, and water are.
You're trying to deflect from this point to dodge thr implications. My personal needs are none of your goddamned business and frankly, anything I said would only be momentary anyway.
Simon's article was written based on the ideas of Maslow. It's not necessary for you to mention Maslow for that to be plain. Most of us are generally familiar with his theory and his pyramid enough to recognize when those are the ideas bei g laid out, whether credit was given or not.
Being an actual human being rather than an artificial intelligence, I regret to inform you that my needs are not being continually assessed and recorded somewhere. I just take care of my own self like most everyone else does, reaching our for help to those I trust and thibk can help me when I need to. There is no link. Good Lord.