The left do not fear an insurrection. They worry about domestic terrorism and assassination from fringe nuts and their acolytes.
Given Jan 6th, the pipe bombs, the location disclosures, the threats, the kidnapping plot of Gov Witmer, and that an armed man was found by the secret service outside the VP residence, they are not being over reactionary.
I do not think the military will easily turn against the American people. Especially not with someone like Trump at the helm. That may change with more events like Jan 6.
I agree about guerrilla warfare. I disagree that it must be armed guerrilla warfare in a militia or terroristic sense. From here on out the most effective tactics against government tyranny will not be armed or will not be heavily armed. Anything more than that and the risk is to invite tyranny or force it rather than to rebuff it.
It’s sloppy and childish. Boys playing soldier or revolutionary. You may think the analogy a silly jab all you want but it stands. When conservative men stop acting like spoiled petulant brats on the national stage and people at home stop endorsing and accepting this behavior as righteous and just then I’ll reevaluate. Until then, I stand by what I said and will continue to do so.
As far as cancel culture goes, the right is just as guilty. The fact that they cannot see how they have and are playing into it as well as creating the conditions that made it possible does not eliminate their responsibility in creating the culture. Or the fact that they are doing the same.damn.thing.
Conservatives got into bed with religious fundamentalists violating the separation of church and state principle. They cozied up to white supremacists to retain power over actual putting together a viable policy for the people they claim to represent. They elected a lying misogynistic pig into office, guaranteeing a huge setback for the nation. They have defrauded us, lied to us, and abused their offices in increasingly egregious ways. All the decent ones of conscience have left the Republican party.
Don’t blame the left because of culture wars. It takes two to fight. And that was the right’s choice to throw hissy fits over books and toys rather than actual policy matters.
Tend to your own house first. Conservatives have broken faith with the American people at large by who you got into bed with. You broke the bonds of common affection years ago when you backed a grievance play and refused to keep hate jocks like Rush Limbaugh in check.
This isn’t the left being snowflakes or whatever. It’s a natural response to choices and strategies made by the right.
And yes, if it were the other way around I’d be saying the same damn thing. I’m an Independent. You should have heard my criticisms of Bill Clinton back in the day.
Clean up your own house and give it a good delousing first.
People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.