2 min readDec 14, 2023


The deal is that she was underage when this relationship started. She was 16. Sixteen.

She had overly controlling and restrictive patents who then practically handed her off to a predator. We know from what happened next and after they broke up that the guy's one of 'those' guys.

She was 16.

It's not the age gap in and of itself that's the problem. It's that we women do not get the full measure of childhood that men get as boys because grubby old men start sniffing at our heels the minute we sprout breast buds. It steals from us things we never get back. Not really.

She was 16. Hadn't even learned to drive yet.

This guy was only 6 years older than her when it started, so it's not a huge gap, but he was still an adult. She was still a child. Had she been 22 when it started, that would have been better, they would have been on more even footing and that's the point the OP was making. She'd have been a legal adult, able to have a job and support herself without needing adult consent, able to sign a contract, and able to drive.

You know.....and adult. Not sixteen.

A lot of maturing happens in those last teen years. Lot of milestones get met.

So no, it's not jealousy because older women "suddenly aren't getting enough dick". Believe me, we are still getting no break from having to refuse all the wayward dick shoved in our faces from all the mopey little desperados trying to shoot their shot.

The problem is that in most states if you cannot legally sign a contract you also cannot legally consent to sex. That makes these guys rapists, by legal definition. The problem is that everyone conveniently looks away from that by focusing on this narrative that bitter old women are pissed because they can't bag a buck anymore (again, I laugh... because NOW men have standards? Give me a fucking break) to deflect that the problem being brought to attention is that it's very common for older ADULT men to woo and go after legal CHIlDREN and make like that's nothing and completely normal when time after time after time we see that it's not nothing and there's nothing fucking normal about it. It harms the younger party far more often than not.

Those of us who were ensnared by this dynamic would like to spare those behind us the heartbreak and pain. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Sixteen dude. Sixteen.

I wrote an article about it, a rebuttal to another age gap advocate. Read it if you want. This is from the DiCaprio scandal.



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