The better fix might be to fund a woman built social media platform that actually regulates all the different crap better and make it public owned so that making money isn't part of the algorithm too. Let's face it, sex and conflict sells.
Let's also face the reality that the public is crying out for better platforms.
Imagine if enough people donated $5 a paycheck for the creation of a better social media platform and a representative board did the hiring. What if that hiring was really smart young people and was either all women or also equally representative and the goal of the platform was accessibility and the greatest well being of all participants?
I'm just saying that it's clear that moniee interests stand in conflict with our best interests and they aren't interested in integrity or caring about the chaos they create. If we want better, we need to build better, usurpiny what the status quo offers and starting from a different frame of mind than making money.