Jun 7, 2021


That's true too. You cannot rationalize with the irrational.

And I get the quandary. Fallen into it myself a time or two. You can't win and you're damned if you try and damned if you don't.

It's never fun to have your reputation smeared . And a lot of these exchanges are traps to begin with. And the internet never goes away.

Best you can do is be consistent. That way, there's enough out there that anyone who cares to investigate can see who you really are, not what trolls, the irrational, or hacks say you are.

Remember, we work under the premise of innocent until proven guilty. It's not your job to disprove spurious claims. You don't owe anyone anything. It is their job to prove their accusations. And name calling and baiting don't count.

Take care out there. You'll get past this, I know.



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