Mar 4, 2022


That's true, more or less. But that's adaptation due to specialization. It is not a double standard.

When we talk about double standards, were talking about how one group is judged more harshly or held to more rigorous/unfair standards, all things being equal.

For example, a woman who commits adultery is stoned to death. A man who commits adultery gets a wink wink nudge nudge mild reprimand and praised for his virility. Both have committed the same crime. But judgement comes down more harshly for one than the other because of gender. That is a double standard.

Another example. Two students are late to class. One is given lines to copy for punishment and a call to parents. The other is locked out of the classroom, barred from entry, and sent to detention. The first is white, the second is black. Same offense. Double standard.



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