That's true, but when they say this, don't men mean they want women to take the initiative, make the approach, request the date, do all the planning, and pay for the date?
To me, this one could be a valid argument were it not for two critical things.
1. Men assume that the finding someone attractive and wanting to pursue that impulse to occur at the same rate in women and it does men.
This simply isn't true. I'd say the first ding attractive part of the equation is fairly even. It's that second part that is the hold up. We're tired. We've simply been dogged in too many ways for too long.
Men don't want to hear it, but what goes through your brain is along the lines..."he's cute. Maybe I'll ask him....ugh, why bother? I don't want a hook up. Why go to the effort just to be disappointed by some guy acting like a child, disturbing my peace, and dragging me down?"
So, the impulse to pursue is shot to hell.
2. For those who still have any interest in taking the initiative, and some women do, in order for it to be more normalized, men need to step into that other role and conduct themselves accordingly. And here's the other snag. They either are unaware that needs to happen, don't know how, or are incapable or unwilling to do so. Ask any woman who has asked a man out on a date.
How men think about relationships transactionally really shows up. Also shows what they value and it's not a good look for a lot of guys.