That's the problem with being a content creator overall. Once you're on a production schedule, you're not doing proper analysis. There's no time for most people. Real analysis takes access, time, thought, critical thinking, following the ideas through, verification, looking at multiple angles, etc.
You can't effectively do that as a content creator. You'll eventually just churn butter, reword and republish the same stuff said different ways.
Or. You focus on the prep and your writing/editing suffers which presents its own challenges and consequences.
In a sense the repetition of content creators isn't a completely horrible thing. It allows for refinement ideas, it's new to newer followers, gives you a chance to further develop your ideas or address weaknareas that didn't have the impact you thought it would, it's a reminder for many -- keeps things relevant and timely; that kind of thing.
There's also the aspect of personal agency. I get that it gets annoying to hear "the same old dross", but then, you could mute them for a while, unfollow for a while, just stop reading them, etc. No one is afflicted with a saccades eyeball condition that requires them to read boring repetitive content or prevents them from choosing to read something else for a while.
That said, it's also equally true that a lot of content creators base their own content off what the heavy hitters are publishing. And, the algorithm's "you liked this content and you engaged, so here's an ENTIRE feed of similar stories by less gifted writers. New ones. Who just want a chance but clearly don't know what the hell they're talking about but they did well in plagarism 101. Enjoy!!"
Yeah, I think many of us would like to have words with that damn algorithm. It was clearly modeled after cockroach behavior; the similarities cannot be denied.
There's a way around that too, but I'm still working it out.