That's not trivial at all. If a woman wants her future husband to be companionable rather than just a sperm donor, wallet, and pack mule (like a gold diggers would), then liking at least some of the same things is necessary for that companionship to thrive.
This woman is saying you're not compatible to what she wants from a husband, but you're too great a guy to use like that gold digger would.
She's respecting you by letting you go so that you can both find what you want.
Rejection is tough on everyone. But if you're going to be rejected, it's better to be rejected honorably before there are other consequences, and to be rejected out of respect for who you are as a person than to be rejected because the well ran dry, she found somebody better and you were just a step along the way, or because you're just not "good enough".
Those rejections really hurt.