2 min readAug 8, 2023


That's not entirely true.

There are some men who actually do go their own way. I'm friends with several. They don't sit up on the internet trolling women, they don't bash women, or harass women. They just live their lives.

Not gonna lie, as far as I know every single one of them got there because they were dating for the reasons in the first place, as a performance of masculinity. They hung their self worth around whether or not they could get a date and what caliber of date, etc. We've heard it all before, you know what I'm talking about.

This made them unappealing to the sort of woman one would want to end up with (Eeyore effect) and extremely vulnerable to female narcissists/abusers.

The inevitable happened. One, got taken for everything.

I'm not saying it's his fault, no one deserves to be exploited and taken advantage of. That said, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. If women are to blame and responsible for what happens to them for choosing bad men, well....then?

I wish men would think about this more. The culture you create by what you allow will apply to you too sooner or later.

Anyways, they all bowed out of dating. Most have worked on themselves. Somechave gotten professional therapy. A few others are just loners. Overall they're thriving. A few met someone after they left dating. Two are happily married now, through classic serendipity. One has kids now.

The guys on the internet are misogynists who hide behind MGTOW to bash and abuse women online.

They're disgusting, but they don't represent yhe entirety of or the purpose of MGTOW any more than "misandrists" who do the same things online are representative of WGTOW.



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