3 min readDec 1, 2022


That’s not an attack, that’s a valid observation. You just don’t see the right landscape. Let me paint it for you.

I’m a parent too, a single mother. Nobody owes me anything, because nobody made me have a child. I chose to. Then I stepped up to the task. Believe me, I get zero displays of gratitude from the rest of society.

I have supported and cared for my child alone. Her father bailed. Guess in the end, despite numerous proclamations to the contrary, he suddenly found himself insufficient to the task at hand. Whatever. His choice.

You know what this guy, the OP, didn’t talk about? His kids. He yammers on about all this parental, mostly paternal stuff, that he has done and then says nobody is grateful.

"Nobody" here means women, as I stated before. I won’t reiterate. He didn’t mention those children once.

I’m sorry, was he forced to ejaculate some place that might result in a child? Was he unaware of means of preventing a child? Was he forced?

No? You’re telling me you don’t find it telling that his attention is on the reward, "the cookie", for taking responsibility for what he brought into the world rather than on who he brought into the world?

1 in 5 children in the US is being raised by a single mom. I’ve never seen one of us talking that smack/trash. I’m sure there is some weirdo mom out there who does because nothing is absolute, but it’s definitely not the norm, even though we’re drowning right now. I see the sentiment from men all the damn time; G

generally there’s some low key resentment to it. Like, if you were that happy and proud being a dad, why do you need a damn cookie for being one? Why isn’t loving and nurturing your kids its own reward? It is for all of us moms.

It’s like they’re trying to spread the misery they imagine they’re in by manipulating a certain narrative.

You’re not owed women’s wombs so you get rewarded for taking partial responsibility for whom you had a hand in creating.

Nobody made him be a parent. He chose that. He could have chosen to get a vasectomy or other birth control and lived a childless life. He wouldn’t have been selfish for doing so and nobody would have had the unmitigated gall, the egotistical audacity to suggest that he was.

That only happens to women when they choose freedom from family life and lives outside society’s prescribed roles. That’s why it’s misogyny.

There’s another side to this argument. The kids. He wants kids so that there will be replacement workers to provide for him, to keep civilization humming along. He said so. Even though most jobs we have to go to now aren’t necessary. Even though workers are being displaced by automation. Even though economic unlimited growth is a fallacy and a fantasy that needs to end. Even though there are legit concerns the planet is overpopulated. Even though many of those children he insists we have so he feels he’s getting his due share of gratitude as a parent might suffer through famines if overshoot theory is correct.

I don’t want anyone, man or woman, to have a child if they’re not ready, willing, and able to step up into the role of a parent. There are enough fucked up kids in the world, don’t you think? The Colorado shooter of Club Q being a prime example. His dad is a real peach, isn’t he? His (the OP’s) concern is goods and services. Mine is whole and healthy children.

Tell me again who the selfish one is? Tell me again which one leads to a stable and secure civilization?

Get the picture now?

If you still think he’s so noble and he needs a display of gratitude then you be the one to give him his cookie but leave the wombs of women out of it. You’re not owed.



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