That’s just not true. It doesn’t even make sense.
WOKE doesn’t even have a single meaning. The term derived from African American Vernacular English to describe awareness of issues relating to social and racial justice.
It’s also a slur about people who act pretentiously like they are about social issues.
All of us should care about the direction of the society we live in and participate in, otherwise we’re not being mindful citizens. It’s natural that we would disagree. It’s also natural that the level of caring or involvement will vary amongst individuals and over time. We all have different opinions and perspectives.
You cannot homogenize 330 million people.
That’s not the point anyway. The point is to ensure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity. The point is the realization of the American dream for ALL it’s citizens at long last, so everyone gets the same chance and access to life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness.
You’re entitled to your beliefs, but belief is not fact.