That's interesting. Maybe you should. Then I guess the question is whether you care or not how you're perceived. That'll be up to men. Apathy cuts social bonds.
I think women are facing the same choice. It's not been much of a secret that men look down on women and have for hundreds / thousands of years. We barely register as human to too many men.
Of sure, you like fucking, the more "untilled fields plowed" the better, and you love all the free labor. The soft spots to land when the overly valted risk taking goes away.
But men don't really like women.
We've cared about that too long and tries to earn ourselves into men's good graces in the vain hope that you'll stop abusing and torturing us as a flex for other men, predominantly.
I see that shifting though. More and more women are seeing the futility there. That seems to be the biggest driver of shifting perceptions of men as being toxic or just generally bad for our overall wellbeing. We're giving up on you men.
If men choose not to care about how they're perceived then eventually there will be a return to femicides (or the attempt, with women then eliminating problematic men) like in Afghanistan like that village in Africa. Or a natural sex segregation will take place, which also applies to the vullage referenced above. (Sorry, I'm at work and can't look it up and I don't remember the name of the top of my head).