That’s inflated. It’s more like 470k. That roughly a tenth of a percent of the population. That doesn’t exclude for custody issues or runaways rather than trafficked or kidnapped children.
470k is a large number. We have an enormous population.
I didn’t compare to other countries, but I’d be willing to bet that it’s not on the high end comparatively.
Like most Trump supporters, you double and inflate numbers in asinine attempts to make him look competent. That’s just sad.
He’s done nothing good of consequence for the country.
And whatever good policies he may be directed towards by the more competent (he’s never had an original thought of his own) he goes at like a bull in a china shop. Destroying the shop and all the china.
And btw, you may not like hearing this, especially from a white person, but disenfranchising the black community from the voting process is really not in your best interest.