That's how propaganda works. It taps into things you've been trained to feel insecure about and exploits it.
There's not a man alive who's not or has not been at some point insecure about his manhood.
Your way out and your way to wholeness and wellness is not to try to "win" a rigged game, but to rewrite the rules.
What if you didn't have to prove your inherent worth all the damn time?
What if you were worthy of love just by virtue of being?
What if you could connect without censure or shame?
What if there was nothing inherently shameful about being a man?
What if you didn't have to "dominate" to be important?
What if what it means to be a man wasn't centered around the "negative space" of all the things you are not?
What if being a man wasn't defined as being harmful to women? What if women could not conceive of the potential harm you could and would inflict upon them given half a chance? What if the very idea was so anathema to both groups that it was simply never thought about?
What if sex was more about commection than power? Can you even imagine truly connective sex?
What if? Start asking yourself these questions and you'll find your way out.