1 min readJul 6, 2023


That's convenient.

Let's just gloss over the whole Trans argument of gender essentislism. That they were born in the wrong body but really they have the opposite gender brain.

And don't get me wrong, I actually like your version better since the Trans gender essentislism argument is problematic for feminists seeking to dismantle the oppressive straightjacket of gendered traits.

It does present another potential problem though.

As far as the Incels go, let's be real. Some of them really are sock muppets who actively seeking to hurt women. I've got no problem with people being lonely and doing what they feel they need to do to make their lives better. I do have a problem with those who would enact violence on women for a false grievance they have nursed on the internet. Time and time again, these guys who are so angry over being rejected they feel the need to go out and commit.mass murder or campaign to have women passed out by lottery once a year to be raped because men "have to take a bullet overseas" have never actually exposed themselves to potential rejection. It's a fantasy delusion they're living inside their own heads.

No. I don't see much point in wasting time and energy validating the delusional.

How do you justify targeting lesbians for sex? Do you tell them why you transitioned? The real reason, or do you go along with the gender essentialist argument? If you tell them the truth, how do they respond? Are they good with it, or do they feel like youre manipulating them?



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