1 min readJul 11, 2023


That's actually normal for this time of year, morebir less. Keep in mind our relative humidity averages about 32% or so, so that's not completely horrible. We'll hit 110 degrees Fahrenheit today.

When we moved here, we arrived on July 21st of that year and it was 124° F that day. When we left Alabama, 2 days earlier, it was 93° F and around 90% humidity. Right?

That 124° F felt about 10° to 15° cooler than the 93° F we left. For real. We passed through Flagstaff AZ (higher elevation) on the way in and stopped for a meal and a stretch. It was 76° and sunny.

We got so cold our teeth were chattering and, of course, we didn't even have a jacket or anything and were wearing shorts and tanks because.... July, right?

Adventures and misadventures experiencing the effects of wet bulb humidity.

It's a dry heat. 😉



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