That's a small part of it; ingrained since childhood. But, also overwhelm and simultaneous laser and lack of focus. I'm mildly on the spectrum so I tend to get hung up on details. I made the mistake of reading too many Medium articles about writing on Medium successfully and have been trapped in trying to decide a niche (there could be many) and anxiety over if I can handle the trolls or not because some of what I talk and write about is quite provocative. I also had to figure out a way to keep from creating an editing waterfall when I write. I do that too because I can't seem to focus on the writing part alone till it's done. I also go off on tangents and wander around aimlessly in essays because of that natural linking ability of seemingly random things prevalent in the neurologically atypical.
So I finally decided to not be successful on Medium, but to do more creative writing as an added income. There'll be less for Medium but it will get done. And I've tried several solutions to the editing waterfall problem and am now dictating to text my outlines, notes, and first drafts. Good God, do I ramble around! Soooo bad. No wonder I'd sit and tap the keys without actually pressing any, everything comes out of my brain at once in a flash flood and I can't moderate the cranial flow.