2 min readAug 22, 2024


That makes her a Nazi or a NeoNazi. What the fuck ever.

There is nothing about feminism that associates with the Nazi party, old, new, cosplay, whatever.

Ergo, Posey cannot be a feminist.

The term FemiNazi is a gender slur and nothing more. It's not a real thing.

Look, it's not like there's a club card, a roster of members, or a secret handshake or something.

Anyone can claim to be a feminist, but does that make them one in practice?

I could claim to be a volcanic deity or Lucifer's ex-wife. . Does that make it so?

At some point, we have to apply some critical thinking skills.

Feminism, by it's nature, has the same problem as Christianity does. All it takes to claim the label is to profess to hold the beliefs.

We all know the majority of Christians don't really live a Christian life and they do have more rigorous standards to gain entry into the club. But we look at their actions to know if they're a "real" Christian or not.

It's kind of the same thing.

You've got to have enough sense to know that if the basic premise of feminism is gender equality, regardless of what avenue of equality individuals focus on, then anyone who associates with Nazis is not a feminist because there was nothing about historical or New Age Nazism or fascism in general which is alignment with gender equality principles or any other sort of equality.

Which means the term is a slur. And by falsely equating a non-feminist as a FemiNazi, you're sullying feminism too.



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