That explains a lot. Calvin was tarred and feathered and run out of Stockholm after advocating the stoning of a young teenage girl who got pregnant out of wedlock. No exceptions to sin. Sin has to be punished. Anyway, she was well loved, came from a respected family so it took the mob he’d whipped up to dispense justice a hot minute before going and grabbing rocks.
Her poor father just couldn’t understand how she got pregnant as she was ALWAYS either at home or at the church. She was a good girl. And he knew HE wasn’t that kind of dad.
She begs her father to forgive her and declares she has only lived her life in service to her family and in service to God … under Reverend Calvin’s direction.
Yep. John Calvin groomed, exploited, raped, and impregnated a 12 or 13 year old girl and then set her up to be stoned to death to cover up his crime/behavior. She didn’t even know that what they were doing was sex.
Any philosophy or teaching that tracks back to John Calvin is fruit from a poisoned tree.
That girl lived because her community saved her and chose her over religious hypocrisy and sham doctrines.
This would not be the only time that John Calvin attempted to murder someone to cover up his lechery, make a name for himself, jealousy or pure spite.
It was Calvin who positioned himself to start and lead an investigation against Michael Servetus, an old classmate, for heresy. He got his way. Servetus was burned at the stake over trumped up charges. Calvin ordered green wood and that the crowd be kept back so they could not add to the pile. It was a spite execution because Servetus died from being steamed and then slowly burned alive rather than smoke asphyxiation like most victims. Calvin had nursed a 20 year.frudge against Servetus because Servetus had no interest in publicly debating him and debates were a big deal at the time. He basically harassed Servetus until he agrees to a debate but then an epidemic of black death broke out and he left to go treat the sick. Calvin was incensed that he had been snubbed and deprived of an opportunity to make a name for himself. Priorities, right?
I think it’s safe to say that if John Calvin were alive today he’d likely be categorized as a psychopath or a malignant sociopath.
Like I said, fruit from a poisoned tree.