2 min readJan 7, 2021


Sure, I get that.

In my opinion though, that sentiment has been part of the problem with Republicans failing to recognize where we’re at. Most of them, Arnold included, are far removed from everyday Americans. Their lives do not reflect ours, which means Republicans now in session haven’t recognized how badly they’ve been playing with fire, thinking they can continually stoke grievances as political maneuverings without consequence. They’ve been acting with impunity politically (which will now end 🤞), but there are consequences beyond political ones.

You play with fire, you eventually get burned. So obviously, it’s not the best time to be holding a governmental wet t-shirt contest with gasoline.

I wrote that previous response not long before the events of today kicked off.

So now, the fever will start to break or things will get worse. I get the sense that today was a dress rehearsal for Jan 20th. I’m also concerned that Pence was the one who called the National Guard and what that might mean, either Trump refused or he’s so unhinged right now he’s incapable. Either way…

This flippant attitude among Republicans over inflammatory rhetoric and inciting violence suggests they’ll also be blind to the dangers around Trump’s behavior. Rejected narcissistic abusers don’t go quietly. They just don’t, they try to burn everything down with them.

One of Trump’s idols ate a bullet along with trying to initiate his plans to destroy Germany as the Nazis began to concede defeat. But then, an atomic weapon option wasn’t available to him.

McConnell and Pence need to invoke the 25th and get him out before things get worse.



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