Sure. But will not paying them help or hurt women? Nobody, but nobody, likes to pay taxes. But we all like the things that taxes provide. I do agree that we need either a tax reduction or a service increase without a raise in taxes. I agree that certain entities (* cough cough* corporations and elites *cough*) need to start paying their fair share and stop being welfare queens off the public dole.
But this is not a feminist issue. It is a humanitarian one.
Let's not forget, even though social safety nets are eroding and there's not enough awarded in them to truly lift people up, a lot of women, elderly, disabled, and children depend on those nets to survive. They don't go to men in need as much but they should. Men are drowning too. You pull a stunt like not paying taxes and Republicans have ammunition to end social programs. We know they want to. They've been quite loud and proud about it. So who does it help most and who does it hurt most?
If you absolutely insist on pushing back via taxes, perhaps a better way would be to not pay through each paycheck, but at tax time. Check the box that says $0. Look into legit and honest ways to stall payment if you can. Draw it out. That way, you're not cheating yourself or hurting others. But you will hit them in the wallet, collectively (if millions of women start doing this) because the govt runs off that incoming revenue stream just like anyone else. So make them sweat about it.
As far as fighting to be heard goes? Don’t we really mean fighting to not be dismissed out of hand because we have boobs? There are 8 billion people on this planet. We’re all fighting to be heard. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this. 8 billion people is a lot of people.
As far as being dismissed goes, I agree with you. It’s exhausting. It’s a waste of energy and time. I’d rather be doing something else. I reckon most of us would.
But I’m not begging for consideration. That’s my current iteration of zero fucks to give. Let’s not forget, it’s always men who end up getting for time, attention, compassion, love, and sex. So, ditch the bastards and live your life.