Sure, but men need to do the same. They need to look beyond women’s bodies and see us as whole people if they want that in return.
Gonna be honest, I think this "study" is absolute bullshit. It’s worthless. It doesn’t say anything at all about women’s standards. It’s unsound.
That said, I do think men are getting some real life experience what it’s like to be snap judged based on appearance alone,just off the interest and commentary the “study" has generated. And you’re not liking it. Don’t blame you, it sucks. It’s dehumanizing. It shatters your sense of self worth. It makes you judge yourself through how everyone else might see you, which is something that never comes out in your favor. It’s depressing. There’s even been an increase in eating disorders amongst men. Coincidence? I think not.
But, when women pushed back against these standards that have been forced on us and we’ve been buckling under for decades, dying even, too many men are still whining about how they can’t help it because men are just visual by nature.
Give me a fucking break.
What goes around comes around. Men ignored the harm marketing propaganda has done to women because they benefitted. But now the beauty markets are saturated and women are rejecting them so they’re coming for male wallets more. They’re playing off your insecurities, the same ones we all have. Welcome to the trenches, gentlemen.
Yet, men are still demanding women be coiffed, primped, tweezed, shaved, inflated , sculpted, slim, petit, feminine, blah blah blah but begging women to give them a chance beyond hair gel, sculpted jawlines, boring protein diets and raw eggs, 20 hrs a week working out, steroids, and back implants.
Double standards aren’t going to cut it anymore gentlemen. You’re going to have to start offering some reciprocity. Stat. Listen to what women are saying, not what influencers are saying. If you want to be seen as more than a pretty meat sack to fuck, you need to start seeing women as whole people too. Because women don’t care as much about your abs and your (arm) guns as you think they do. It’s not most women telling you that. It’s part of this gaping maul of hell, the beauty industry and it’s influencers. Women do care about being seen and treated as more than a fuckmaid.
Just saying.